You can download the data sheet templates from this section. 

Please also refer to the article data requirements for actuarial valuations to understand the various data requirements for different types of benefit schemes such as gratuity, leave, pensions etc. 

New Data Format for Gratuity and Leave:

Click here to download the Data Template (MS Excel Format) for gratuity valuation for size upto 1000 employees.

Click here to download the Data Template (MS Excel Format) for leave valuation for size upto 1000 employees. 

These templates are also attached to the bottom of this page. 

You can download this format and fill the details therein and share the same with us at [email protected]

Kindly note that the templates are in MS Excel format and also contain the "Instructions" sheet with detailed information to assist you in filling the data.

Common Data Format for Gratuity and Leave:

Click here to download the Common Template (MS Excel Format) for gratuity and leave valuation. This template is also attached to the bottom of this page. 

This template can be filled in for both gratuity and leave valuation. 

Employee Specific Data Formats:

These are specific templates based on the number of employees in your organisation. 

  • If the number of employees for Leave and Gratuity valuation in your company are the same, use this common data format set from the link below, and download the file corresponding to the number of employees in your organisation:

  • If the number of employees for Leave and Gratuity valuation are different, use this separate data format set, and download the file corresponding to the number of employees in your organisation:

How to fill the data sheet:

➡ You can use either the Standard Template or Select the correct employee specific data sheet format from above, according to the number of employees for leave and gratuity valuation.

➡ To use the employee specific template, browse to the folder which matches with the current number of employees in your company, download the template and fill in the same.

➡ While filling the templates, please pay particular attention while filling the sheet and follow the format prescribed in the

  •  "date of birth" and
  •  "date of joining" fields.

➡ Please fill your organisation's particulars and plan details in the specified sheets.

➡ You can also refer to the "Instructions" sheet for detailed explanation on how to fill the data format.

The data format can also be downloaded from here : Downloads

Pension Data Format: 

Download from here